To make this easy for me

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

About the blogs of the class I think...

I’ve tried to read all the blogs that I’ve thought it could be interesting to me. It’s difficult to choose one of them as the favourite because it depends on your needs of every moment, yours preferences, if you feel identify with his/her thought,…For this reason I have decided in the first place that it’s important to give my own classification about kinds of blogs and then I have assigned one favourite blog to every kind.

I think we can find three types of blogs:

1.- Blogs where you can feel identify emotionally: Redapple
2.- Blogs that make you to give them an opinion: Ladybird
3.- Blogs that contain curious information about interesting and funny thinks. Perhaps they can make you laugh: Blog Writer.

On the blog of Redapple we can read few writings but I enjoy a lot how this person describes what he/she likes. He/she uses a poetic vocabulary where you can imagine you’re reading a poem and it doesn’t need a rhyme to check that you think and feel the same. I’d like he/she writes more!

Ladybird always finishes his/her writings with a question and for this reason it’s easy to comment about them. If you like to give your opinion about actual topics that perhaps they can have an effect on you, you must visit his/her blog. It’s an active blog.

Blog Writer has a peculiar writings. He/she write about unusual topics and it motivates the reader to pay attention and you can obtain new knowledge. The images help to orientate about the topic. It’s an active blog too.

Poetic vocabulary + easy to comment + new knowledge = my favourite blog!!

Some advice to prevent a cold

- We must clean our nose when we notice the first symptoms: in the first suspicious sneeze we must go to the bath and clean our nose.
- We must augment our defences when we notice the first symptoms: you must drink a glass of hot milk with honey or an orange juice with honey every two or three hours until this symptoms disappear.
- We must
be warm the foot.
- We must have a good feeding: we must have a good breakfast in the morning. It’s necessary to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, especially if they are rich in C vitamin.
- We must drink a lot of liquids all the time.
- We must obtain a humid atmosphere: if our nasal membrane is parched, the virus can access more easily in our organism.
- We must ventilate our house and the place where we work few minutes a day.
- We have to avoid brusque changes of temperature.
- We mustn’t take medicine ourselves.
- We must rest if we are with a cold: We must help our defences if we rest and avoid the stress. Moreover, we can to reduce the cold if we help our defences:
-Eating oranges, kiwis, lemons… food rich in C vitamin.
-Doing gargle and cleaning our nose.
-Eating soup of chicken.
-Don’t touch the eyes and the nose.
-Taking something with zinc.

We know some of them, but… “soup of chicken”? And..,”clean our nose”? Why?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006



1 turkey of 3 kg
250 gr of dried plums
150 gr of raisins of grape
250 gr of apricots of damask

300 gr of lean pork
300 gr of lean beef
2 onions2 slices of bread

1 egg
olive oil
2 glasses of sherry
1 glass of white wine

4 cloves of garlic
50 gr of pinions

salt and black pepper

We have to put to dip all the fruits in the warm sherry. In a frying pan with little oil we fry the hash of onion and then we add the meats and the pinions and when the meat is cooked we add the fruits and a bit of the sherry.

Out of the fire we add the dipped bread in milk and the well-trodden egg, the cinnamon and salt and pepper; we mix well and then we leave to cool it.

We clean the turkey within and externally, we season it and refill it, sew with big needle. All the orifices have to remain well closed in order that the stuffed doesn’t escape.

We have to smear the turkey with oil and put it in a source to the oven. At the same time we have to add the cut onions and a few garlic cloves around it; we cover it with silver foil and cook in average oven two hours and a half.

If we want that it remains well brown, we withdraw the silver foil 20 minutes before, bathe with water and salt and lower a bit the oven.

This is the recipe of a traditional meal of Christmas. Who eats it at Christmas? I have never eaten stuffing turkey! I think it isn’t our custom.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Pilates is a method of physical conditioning made by Joseph Pilates more than 80 years ago. The popularity of it has increased thanks to a big group of people of the world of the music, dance, cinema and a famous sportsman and sportswoman. Pilates has the philosophy of the occidental exercise (more dynamic and concentrate on the muscular physic) with the oriental. Pilates made more than 500 exercises (it’s called Mat) and he invented an original and unique system of equipment. The movements are based on six basics principles: concentration, control, centralization, and fluency of movements, precision and breathing.

If we do different exercises of this method with few repetitions, we can strengthen and stretch our muscles without that muscles augment their volume. The object of Pilates is to get abdominal force, improve the flexibility and a total control of the body. The Pilates method also develop, in who practice it, abilities like the attention and the discipline. Moreover, it elevates the autoesteem, the capacity of concentration and the control of the person. Pilates treats to make our body and our mind stronger.

It’s important to keep a good corporal equilibrium and to control the breathing. The method works especially with the abdominals, the base of the shoulder and the glúteos as the only point of support; it is denominated “centre of force”. The exercises are done with a special equipment (Cadillac, Universal Reformer, High Chair, Big Barrel) and their always are done in inclined, seated, kneeling or stuck-up position. These movements can be imitated on mattresses.

Pilates can be practiced by all the world: young people, old people, people who need rehabilitation because they have had an injury… But this method has to be supervised by an official trainer. It would be the guarantee to know we are doing the exercises correctly.