To make this easy for me

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

About the blogs of the class I think...

I’ve tried to read all the blogs that I’ve thought it could be interesting to me. It’s difficult to choose one of them as the favourite because it depends on your needs of every moment, yours preferences, if you feel identify with his/her thought,…For this reason I have decided in the first place that it’s important to give my own classification about kinds of blogs and then I have assigned one favourite blog to every kind.

I think we can find three types of blogs:

1.- Blogs where you can feel identify emotionally: Redapple
2.- Blogs that make you to give them an opinion: Ladybird
3.- Blogs that contain curious information about interesting and funny thinks. Perhaps they can make you laugh: Blog Writer.

On the blog of Redapple we can read few writings but I enjoy a lot how this person describes what he/she likes. He/she uses a poetic vocabulary where you can imagine you’re reading a poem and it doesn’t need a rhyme to check that you think and feel the same. I’d like he/she writes more!

Ladybird always finishes his/her writings with a question and for this reason it’s easy to comment about them. If you like to give your opinion about actual topics that perhaps they can have an effect on you, you must visit his/her blog. It’s an active blog.

Blog Writer has a peculiar writings. He/she write about unusual topics and it motivates the reader to pay attention and you can obtain new knowledge. The images help to orientate about the topic. It’s an active blog too.

Poetic vocabulary + easy to comment + new knowledge = my favourite blog!!


  • As Einstein’s picture in your blog looks like it’s saying: “Intelligent thinking”. For me it´s also difficult choosing a post. Probably I like many of the bloggers and I would choose a mixture of all of them. Anyway, thanks for choosing me as one of your favourites. You too are one of my favourites.

    By Blogger Ladybird, at 1:00 AM  

  • Hi Pumuky's & CO,

    thanks for say my you like my blog!Your blog is very active too!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:54 AM  

  • Hi pumuky!
    Thanks for what you say of my blog, but truly I'm not very active posting in my blog because of my scarce time, but you have encouraged me to go on writing and I'll try it!
    I really like yours too and I think that you are much more active than me ;)
    See you pumuky!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:39 AM  

  • Nice way to select a blog. I'd say this is politically "correct".

    You show you handle the contents of the blogs really well.

    Well written too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:31 AM  

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