To make this easy for me

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

We have to say “goodbye”

There are few classes to arrive atthe final of the course and I ‘ve to say to all goodbye but before I‘d like to comment two things about learning with this system of the blogs.
The first thing is that I thing I’ve improved a lot my writing because now I’ve few problems to build a phrase and to express what I want with it.
And the second thing: ”the problem of time”. It’s necessary a lot of time to have an active blog and the time isn’t only a problem in this case… The time has been a problem all the year until the end: our last exams are accumulated!! That stress! But life is like that...

Thanks and see you!


  • Goodbye!!
    we will meet at the party, i supouse...
    i'm nervous, the end is coming!!

    By Blogger NaCuPeNdA, at 7:16 AM  

  • Hi Pumuky's & CO.,

    thanks for your comment.
    You should try and watch, or record, some Redes broadcasting, it is very curious and different program, with an innovative production.

    About your writing, you are right, it is necessary a lot of time, above all to read our classmates' blogs.
    Anyway, I think it's enough and it's worth it having a little time to read every now and then some blogs.

    Bye bye

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:44 AM  

  • Hi Pumuky

    I have enjoyed with all your compositions posted in your blog. I think you have developed a good work. This kind of system needs people like you to encourage us. There are more colleagues like you, Ladybird, Blogwriter, etc.. You must feel very proud with your compositions, all of them are more interesting and correctly written.
    I hope to meet you better in the party……and enjoy the night together.

    By Blogger positivo, at 7:44 AM  

  • It's been a pleasure to read you and to see your progress. I'm really proud of yor progress. Good luck in the future.

    I guess you are so relieved to know that we have reached the end of the experience that you have not controlled your English as you recently have.
    So, to make you think a bit, here go my...
    Final corrections!

    Always ARRIVE AT or IN
    In your message I'd use "reach the end of the school year"
    -I thinK I’ve improveD
    -BUILD (NOT construct) a phrase
    -problem of (NO ARTICLE the) time
    -But (NO ARTICLE the) life is like that...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:37 AM  

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