To make this easy for me

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I would like to throw a question: when you lose an illusion for something, do you think it will return? or do you think it isn’t a question that this illusion returns to born because we need to find new or renewed illusions?

All the world have illusions, intentions... When we don't obtain one of them we can insist or desist, but it depends on the character of the person or on the type of illusion. I believe that the illusion gets lost when you don't have with whom sharing it.

In these dates the majority we have a common illusion: the lottery. Isn’t it? It’s a material illusion but it can make us obtain a lot of other illusions. Would you like to share it?


  • Of course I would share with my family. I agree with you on losing illusion or not depends on the character of the person. I play every week EuroMillon and Primitiva lottery, and, of course, I play Christmas lottery. What would happen if someday I win lottery?. Well, I just don´t know. I would try not changed too much my way of life (well, I suppose that´s what everybody say before winning lottery!!!). What it is sure for me is I would never get up early to go to work!!! (of course, if the quantity of money would allow me to give up my work).
    Well, Pumiki, let´s see!!! Anyway, if I win lottery I will continue writing in my blog and I will continue studying English!. HAPPY CHRISTMAS, my friend.

    By Blogger Ladybird, at 10:07 PM  

  • Hi Pumuky's & CO.,

    thanks for your comment.

    Related to your post, I think one of the most important things to don't lose illusion for something is to be motivated.

    And writing about the other point you attack, I also think it is real important having who share your illusions, objectives and hobbies with.

    Bye bye

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:08 AM  

  • Hi Pumuky!
    Good question! Losing an illusion depends on the person but sometimes it's important the kind of illusion because you can change it.
    In my case, lottery isn't an illusion,(because I don't buy it) but it's for my family.I suppose if my parents win lottery they 'll share with me, in the same way I would do the same. Of course, I think I have to start to buy it, may be next year!
    Thanks for your comments and Merry Christmas.

    By Blogger Maia, at 3:37 AM  

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