To make this easy for me

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


When we are surprised for having attended a conversation, instant, succession of facts or another action that it sounds us very familiar like if we had lived before, this effect is named Dèja vu.

Dejà vu is a phenomenon that happens to us in certains moments in the shape of strong sensation of lived experience. It usually happen in the shape of dream or past recollection but actually this moment is totally new.

In formal studies, 70 % or more of the population affirm to have felt it at least once.

The scientific explanation is very clear: it's fault of the memory. In this effect intervene two types of memory: the short-term memory which is the one that perceives the events that belong to the present, and the long-term memory which is the one that perceives the events that belong to the past.
For example our brain, when any moment passes, has to attend the passed instants (present) and stores it in some empty place of our memory and in this way we can remember it (past), this way of consecutive form.

Our memory with dèja vu effect is when there takes place an anomaly, these actions are altering , proceeding to guard one action, instant, fact... more than one time. As this recollection already exists, gives us the familiar of already having lived it previously.


  • Hi Pumuky's & CO.,

    very interesting and good post, I have always been interested in Dèja vu, above all because time ago people said it was due to another life experiences, and I couldn't belive that.

    Little time ago I read just what you write, it is a brain fault, brain is not so perfect as we believe :P

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:13 AM  

  • Hi my friend! Interesting post. As much people, I have had also déjà vu situations, specially conversations I think I have had before (sometimes I could also know what the person I was talking to was going to say). I also have been in some places for the first time and I have thought “I´ve been here before” but I knew it was for sure the first time I was there. As you say, the scientific explanation says that it is a memory problem but I don´t agree with that explanation. I know some people could think my reasoning is a fool one but, for me it is one of the possible explanations. I believe we have lived more than one life so, would it be a crazy idea to think we could live than situation in other of our lifes? Another possible reason is “astral trips”. Could I visit a new place on a dream (an astral trip) and that´s why I remember about that place when I visit it for the first time?. Who knows?.

    By Blogger Ladybird, at 10:17 AM  

  • Hi blog writer!
    I agree with you, our brain isn’t perfect. Imagine that it was perfect, with which the mistakes wouldn’t exist ... don’t you believe we would be bored? We wouldn’t have anything to do because all would be well, in his correct place, in the correct time,…

    By Blogger Pumuky's & CO., at 12:09 AM  

  • Hi ladybird!
    I only have given the explanation of the scientific point of view, but it’s true (or you have reason) we can read two theories more: on the one hand the theory of the dreams and the other hand the theory of passed lives. Normally the scientific theory used to be the correct explanation because it’s based on hypothesis confirmed while the others only are based on probabilities which don’t have to be false, in occasions I also believe in them. So I think the same as you..

    By Blogger Pumuky's & CO., at 12:09 AM  

  • That's a really interesting concept! Even though I have experienced the fact I did not know it was scientifically studied. Is there a book where I can expand what you say? I'd like to know. Thanks!

    By Blogger Nuria Vidal, at 12:30 AM  

  • I'm sorry, I find this explication on Internet. I search in Google page, there are a lot of documents about it! You know noawadyas Internet is a good book about all!

    By Blogger Pumuky's & CO., at 11:39 PM  

  • In my opinion is that when you hear of a place, you make your prejudices. YOu have a mental image of the place or situation. When you go there, you realikse taht your prejudices where wrong, but, if you have guessed, it looks like you have been there before and this is Deja Vu.

    This is at least my opinion

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:33 AM  

  • Hi,
    Yes, I've certainly read your marvellous writings. I like them all!
    It's OK if you answer your visitors in your blog but, please, visit them and read their posts and write a comment for them.
    I'll be back to your language soon, meanwhile have a look at the common mistakes list in my blog. You may see some of your mistakes.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:31 AM  

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