To make this easy for me

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My sister

She’s older than me. She is 31 years old. She looks like my mother. She’s short and thin with black and curly hair. She has brown eyes and white skin. She’s like a doll. She got married four years ago with Antonio, a man who she met in Madrid. She felt in love quickly and in one year they began to live together in Barcelona.

My sister was an excellent student and it made that nowadays she is an intelligent person. She’s capable and constant with her important decisions. She’s shy and self-confident. In her life, she has been able to overcome a lot of problems which perhaps other people (and I) haven’t been able to solve. But I don’t want to talk about this, it’s the past and really it isn’t interesting. The interesting and wonderful things are in the present.
In spite of it we sometimes have discussions, I get on well with her. I think it’s normal. If you argue with someone it is because this person is important for you (Ok! it depends on the kind of argument…but I know you understand me! Oh! It’s complicated to explain…)

My brother-in-law was promoted in his job one year ago. It was good news although in few days this good news became in a sad situation because they had to go to live to Madrid. My sister and I had always been together!! I had always had her support and her help!

Nowadays my sister is pregnant of two babies (two girls). They won’t cufflinks at all because they aren’t in the same bag in her belly for this reason they’ll be different each other. The names have been chosen by the parents: Giorgina and Serina. It’s better not to judge the choice…if their parents think these are a nice name for their children, the others have to accept it… (but I’m someone! I’m their aunt! The aunt of “Gina” and “Rina”… Why these names? Complicated names…).

They’re going to be born about the 15th of January. A happy new year!

In this moment I don’t know what more to say. I’ve a lot of things I’d like to explain! But I’ll do this with patience and I suppose that when I am writing about other people I’ll return to tell more anecdotes of my sister and upside-down. For the present time it’s sufficient.


  • Hi! I just have read your post and I understand many of your feelings. My elder brother, who has been like a protector for me, went to live to Denmark some years ago and he got married there. I also didn´t undertand at that very moment why he had to go so far away from me. But later I discovered he was happy with his life and his happinest had to make me feel happy too because he was my brother. I see that it is difficult for you to accept your sister living in Madrid and probably all the things you say in the rest of you post about your future two nieces’ name is due to your problems to accept the reality. Just think she is happy in her pregnant state, forget about the choosen names for your nieces (maybe for you are horrible names but they must be wonderful names for your sister because she has choosen those ones – respect her feelings). No matter where they are going to leave or what are going to be their names, you´re going to be their aunt and you have to congratulate yourself about that.

    By Blogger Ladybird, at 3:31 AM  

  • I'll be back to your texts soon. You are all set!
    Good luck!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:13 AM  

  • Lucky you to have a sister your love so much! I just had brothers! and I certainly longed for a sister!

    Good work just have a look at the following mistakes and correct them, please, by editing your post.

    You say:
    -If you argue with someone is because this...
    -it depends the kind of argument
    -My brother-in-law was ascended in his job...
    -they’ll be different each other
    -It’s better don’t judge the choice…if their parents think are a nice name for their children, the other have to accept it…
    -They’re going to born

    You should say:
    -If you argue with someone IT is because this...
    -it depends ON the kind of argument
    -My brother-in-law was PROMOTED in his job...
    It’s better NOT TO judge the choice…if their parents think THESE are nice names for their children, the otherS have to accept it…
    They’re going to BE born

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:52 AM  

  • Ok! The text has been corrected. Thanks Virginia!

    By Blogger Pumuky's & CO., at 3:59 AM  

  • Good Job!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:02 AM  

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