To make this easy for me

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

We have to say “goodbye”

There are few classes to arrive atthe final of the course and I ‘ve to say to all goodbye but before I‘d like to comment two things about learning with this system of the blogs.
The first thing is that I thing I’ve improved a lot my writing because now I’ve few problems to build a phrase and to express what I want with it.
And the second thing: ”the problem of time”. It’s necessary a lot of time to have an active blog and the time isn’t only a problem in this case… The time has been a problem all the year until the end: our last exams are accumulated!! That stress! But life is like that...

Thanks and see you!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

A brief commentary about Little Miss Sunshine

Little Miss Sunshine is an authentic comedy. The film shows us the portrait of a real American family where the competition, the importance between winners and losers and programs of television of beauty is something normal. They are a dysfunctional family (like some critics describe them) where perhaps the mother is the only rational character of the story

But I think the brilliant performance by the young girl makes this film amazing. When the film takes a certain dramatic sense, the little girl gives a touch of humour, smoothes the situation. She really gives the movie of honesty and her personality gives colour to a really sad content.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Can we say the Homo neanderthalensis was an extinguished race like it could be a koala?
Homo neanderthalensis are archaic humans that lived in the East of Europe between 150,000 and 30,000 years ago. They could be a geographic variant of early Homo sapiens but with some differences: they had a very large brain size, big face and short of stature.

We don’t know what happen to them but many believe that they extinguished without contributing in our evolution. The reason is that some investigator who studied the DNA of four species of Neanderthal discovered that Homo neanderthalensis was different than the huma species.

We can conclude that this species was one of the most intelligent in that time because the brains began to increase in size when a hominid began to eat meat (We must not forget that to eat meat increases the intelligence) and Homo neanderthalensis was one of the first ones in eating meat!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Love in the 21st Century

Love doesn’t change. Nowadays, love is like the same love of years and years ago. The only thing that is changing day after day is the people of our society.

We can love our husband, wife, boyfriend…This is the “real love”. The process to get it is exiting because you have to fall in love and it’s always wonderful although it bears certain suffering without which it would not be the same thing. Then the fondness always stays. This love has always been the same but with one more component: the freedom to choose the sexuality.

We can love our friends, our relatives, our pets…It’s “the love to the neighbour”. This kind of love is inside us because we sometimes can't choose with whom to share it. It comes to you: the friends appear in our life at school, at work,…If you decide to have a dog, you love it, and you don’t choose this feeling. And I think I haven’t to say anything about the relatives… This love has always been the same but without one component: we haven’t got enough time to spend on this kind of love.

Finally, we can found the “self-esteem”. The self-esteem is necessary to feel well, to be safe… without it we would not be capable of loving the others. This love has always been the same but nowadays our society tries to improve it with superficial solutions like plastic surgery.

We can find more types which move around these concepts but unfortunately we know an egoist feeling: “the love towards the material things”. The more we have the more we want. It’s a strong love for having money, power, properties…but if you think about it, you realise the material love helps to reach others kinds of love. It takes part of all the loves…like always?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Good morning! 04/04/2007

Good morning!
Today I begin my Easter holidays. I’m very happy because I’m going to go to Madrid to visit my sister and her two daughters. For this reason I’d like to show you my nephews. I adore them. On the right we can see Serina and on the left Georgina:

They are three months old!

I hope we can visit a lot of places in Madrid.
I wish you nice days!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Summaryof a Essay of the New Times York

“Tracing the Cigarette’s Path From Sexy to Deadly “
Published: March 20, 2007

From the early 1900s to the 1960s cigarettes were a cultural icon of our society. Between the 1930s and 1950s smoking means sophistication and glamour and marketing companies showed us advertising campaigns about the virtues of cigarettes: it become in a sexy style of life, a healthy act.

The main problem was that in the 1930s , when many Americans began smoking and especially women who wanted to smoke, the effect of the cigarettes hadn’t yet developed. For this reason the scientific studies didn’t evidence a serious health risk.

In 1950 a prominent surgeon (Evarts A. Graham) published an article about the relation between smoking and the lung cancer, but the tobacco companies didn’t care about it because they though these studies as mere anecdotes of casualty. The reality was other: disinformation campaigns and the belief that everyone knew cigarettes could be dangerous; it was only a personal choice.

In the 1980s scientists established the revolutionary concept that nicotine is extremely addictive but the world of the marketing tried to look for a new generation of smokers.

From 2004 to nowadays some American judges have concluded that the tobacco industry have engaged in the last 40 years about tobacco’s health dangers. Do you think it’s true?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Why do women have to choose?

It’s so sad when the women have a baby they have to choose between to look after their children or their professional life. In my case, after I’ve been studying during five years a degree and others studies like a “master” and after years of work experience, perhaps one day I can be in this situation. I think it’s terrible.
I hope I can avoid this problem with a good organization. I don’t know. What do you think about it? I don’t understand why this situation it’s not the same for men.